Friday, April 3, 2009

The XOs Have Arrived

The UPS shipment arrived at ACC (Arlington Career Center -- yesterday, bringing it's payload of 10 XO computers.

We are going to have a few immediate challenges:
  • Getting developer keys on each of the 40 machines.
  • Getting an language appropriate version of Sugar installed (English in Arlington, Spanish in Chalatenango).
I jumped on #olpc and found the channel very helpful. It looks like the best process for obtaining developer keys is described here.

Following the instructions, I:
  • created a /boot directory on an empty USB drive.
  • copied and into the /boot directory.
  • rebooted each XO with the USB disk in the machine.
  • watched the message indicating that the "Laptop data recorded successfully", after which it shut itself off.
OK, I've repeated this process with all 11 laptops. When I put the USB disk in another computer, I found a LAPTOPS.DAT file with one line for each laptop. I was wondering how I was going to remember which line went with which XO, but each line begins with the serial number, so it will be easy to figure out.

As a last step for today, I've attached the LAPTOPS.DAT file to an email to requesting a developer key for each one.

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